Tucker from Down Under
From Donna in Sydney (in the lovely Blue Mountains)
360 g self raising flour
pinch salt
2 tablespns fresh herbs (optional)
60g margarine or butter, melted
½ cup milk
½ cup water (approx)
1. Preheat oven to 200°C. Coat a baking tray with baking paper.
2. Sift flour and salt into a bowl, keeping a little flour for shaping damper. Stir in herbs if you wish. Make a well in the centre. Combine margarine or butter, milk and half the water, pour into well and stir to combine. Add enough water to mix to a firm dough.
3. Turn dough onto lightly floured board and knead into a ball.
Place on prepared tray, flatten out to a 17cm circle and score into 12 wedges.
4. Bake for 30 mins or until the loaf sounds hollow tapped with the knuckle. SERVE HOT WITH BUTTER AND JAM.....
You can make this outdoors when you are camping too. You bake it in aluminium foil in the coals of the fire.
Great with a cup of real Aussie Billy tea!!
Provided by Nell Stefek of Girrawheen, near Perth
4 large potatoes
Cayenne pepper
½ cup milk
1 egg
60g butter
1-½ cups grated Cheddar cheese
Scrub and prick potatoes, roll in salt; bake in oven 200°c, 1 hour. Cut baked potatoes in halves lengthwise, fork out centres into bowl, keeping shells.
Bring milk to boil, add to potato in bowl, whisk with fork to make smooth puree.
Beat in egg, cheese, butter and season with salt and pepper.
Pile mixture back into shells and bake at 220°c, 15 minutes or until brown. Serves 6.
FRUIT-CAKE (diabetic-friendly!)
From Christina's Great kitchen of OZ
You'll need:
2 1/4 cups mixed fruit.
1 cup apricot nectar ( 1 teaspoon honey, optional.)
1 cup mashed pumpkin.
1 1/2 cups S.R. flour.
1 teaspoon mixed spice.
1 teaspon bicarb soda.
Combine mixed fruit & nector (honey) in pan, simmer for 3 minutes, cool.
Stir in pumpkin,sifted flour,mixed spice & bicarb soda.
Spread mixture in prepared cake tin.
Bake in moderate oven (180 C) for 1 hour.
Cover tin with silver foil, cool cake in tin.
When cool, keep in the fridge.
From Christina's Great kitchen of OZ
You'll need:
675g firm pears.
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
200 ml dry red wine (Non-Al is OK too.)
2 tablespoons of honey.
Soured cream for serving (optional)
Peel and core pears, halve them crossways and cut into thin lengthways strips.
Put pear halves into a fairly flat dish, and toss in the cinnamon.
Pour in the wine and add the honey.
Cover with cling- film or a lid and microwave on high for 10 minutes. (Mine always take longer, somehow...)
Leave the pears for 10 minutes and serve hot.
I serve them cold, without the soured cream.
I also thicken it a bit with cornflour while still hot, as I like it that way. Great with Icecream!!!
Anzac Biscuits
From Sonya in Perth (The Greatest City in the World)
1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup flour
1 Tbsp golden syrup (only equivalent I can think of is Treacle???)
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 Tbsp boiling water
1/2 cup butter, melted
Set oven to 160C (325F).
Mix oats, sugar and flour.
Mix golden syrup, soda and boiling water.
While frothing, add melted butter and pour in dry ingredients.
Mix thoroughly.
Drop big spoonfuls on floured oven tray (cookie sheet), allowing room for mixture to spread.
Bake 18 - 20 minutes. Cool on wire rack.
Makes 36 biscuits