Favourites from Britain
Tine's Corned Beef Hash
Roasted Vegetables
Cheat's Summer Pudding
Real Canadian Hot Chicken Sandwich
Chicken soup with meatballs
Flemish Carbonades of Beef
Racoon Pie
"Tine's Corned Beef Hash/Bubble & Squeak Combo on the Sunny Side!"
This is for when only serious "Comfort Food" will do!
(The Bubble & Squeak is a "left-over" dish after the Sunday roast, to use up left veggies. I always make it from scratch - never having left overs! As I also really like corned beef hash, I thought, well, why not combine them! eh voila!)
Boiled cabbage
Boiled potatoes
Corned beef (from a tin, but anything you can get hold of will do)
Streaky bacon
Method: First fry the bacon until crispy, put bacon to one side, keep bacon fat in the pan. Fry the onions until brown. Add cabbage, potatoes, and roughly chopped corned beef. Mix well. Fry gently until it starts to form a brown crust on the bottom. When half done, make little hollows in the mixture, and break an egg into these hollows. Now cover, and cook until the eggs are set. Carefully remove from the pan, making sure to scrape up the brown bits on the bottom of the pan.
Garnish with the crispy bacon.
Flemish Carbonades of Beef
(Beef in Beer Casserole)
Ingredients: 1.5 - 2 lbs. stewing beef or chuck steak
2 onions, roughly chopped
1.5 lbs of button mushrooms. If they are quite large, cut in two, otherwise, keep whole. <
Seasoned flour to coat <
Beer/Ale - any kind will do, Heineken, Molsons, whatever.
Chop the beef into bite size pieces, roll in the seasoned flour. Fry meat in a little oil in a large frying pan. Add onions and mushrooms. When vegetables are soft, and meat has browned, remove to a casserole. Scrape out all the little brown sticky bits. Add enough beer to cover meat and vegetables. Put in an oven at 350F - and cook for about 1 - 1.5 hours - until meat is tender. The combination of flour and beer makes a nice gravy! Serve with new potatoes and vegies or salad of your choice.
Roasted Vegetables
Very nice with roasted or grilled meats.
Carrots, parsnips, potatoes, zucchini, egg plant, red, yellow and green peppers, onions. Any or all of these.
Wash and prepare vegetables, do not cut up too small. In the meantime, put oil in roasting tin(s) and put in oven to heat. When vegies are ready, coat in the hot oil, and return to the oven, to bake for 45 mins to 1 hr. Do not put in too much oil, just enough to coat the vegetables. Leave in long enough to brown.
Some vegetables taste completely different when roasted - viz parsnips and peppers. Another good thing to do with parsnips, if you feel like it, is to deep fry them like french fries! Delicious!
(Not frightfully slimming though!)
Cheat's Summer Pudding (Serves 2)
Tastes like summer pudding, smells like summer pudding, yet takes only 15 minutes. Cheat's summer pudding is the real thing - raspberries, red currants and a few blackberries layered between thin slices of white bread - in all but shape.
Instead of being served as a slice cut from a dome-shaped pudding, this version is served in a glass and eaten with a teaspoon. (One can use other types of berries as well of course, such as blue-berries, salmon berries, even straw berries etc! Be creative!)
6 oz (175g) red currants
4 oz (110g) black currants
6 oz (175g) raspberries
3 oz (75g) caster sugar
3 tablespoons of water
4 thin slices cut from a white sandwich loaf
To serve: Cream, 2 small bunches of red currants
First remove the stalks from the currants.
In a stainless steel saucepan, bring the fruits and sugar gently to the boil with the water. Cook very gently until the skins of the fruits start to burst - about 5 - 7 minutes. Remove the crusts from the bread and cut each slice into small triangles. Place a few triangles in the bottom of each of the wine glasses and spoon a little of the warm fruit and the juice to be soaked up by the bread. Add a few more triangles of bread, just enough to cover the surface of the fruit. Add more warm fruit and continue until all the bread and fruit has been used. The last layer should be soaked with juice.
Put the glasses in a cold place for 10 minutes to cool slightly. Garnish with the red currants, with cold cream in a jug to pour into each glass.
(PS: Looks best in large tall wine glasses, but you could also use sundae glasses, or pretty glass bowls).
This famous Creole/Cajun dish from the Deep South of America was created in the 18th century. The name derived from the Spanish word for ham (jamon), an essential ingredient. Today, other meats are added. In this particular recipe, bacon is used, but you could use ham. (I'm not sure how "authentic" this is, but it is easy, and tastes great!)
225g (8oz) onion
175g (6 oz) chorizo or other spicy sausage
2 garlic cloves
125g (4 oz) celerey
olive oil
2 red peppers
275 g (10 oz) long-grain rice
175g (6 oz) rindless bacon
2.5ml (1/2 level tsp) each, cayenne and ground ginger
225g (8 oz) cooked chicken breast fillet, skinned
5 ml (1 level tsp) mild chili pepper
750ml (1 1/4 pints) chicken stock
10ml (2 level tsp) tomato paste
175g (6 oz) small peeled prawns
12 large king prawns
leafy green salad with lemon dressing to serve
1. Dice the onion, garlic and celery and cut the red peppers, bacon, chicken and chorizo into finger length strips.
2. Heat 30ml (2 tbsp) oil in a large heavy based saute pan (frying pan) or flame-proof casserole (preferably non-stick). Saute the onion for 2 - 3 mins or until beginning to soften, stirring occasionally. Add the garlic and celery and continue to cook for a further 2 mins. Stir in the peppers and saute until beginning to soften. Lift all the vegetables out of the pan and set aside.
3. Add the bacon to the hot pan and saute until the bacon is crispy. Set aside with the vegetables.
4. Heat another 30ml (2 tbsp) oil in the pan. Add the rice and the spices and stir constantly for 2 mins. or until the rice begins to turn opague. Immediately mix in the chicken stock and tomato paste. Stir well and bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 10 - 15 mins. or until all the liquid has been absorbed. Check the rice once or twice during cooking to make sure it's not sticking to the pan. When the liquid is absorbed, taste the rice to see if it is tender. If it's not, just top up with a little water and continue to cook uncovered.
5. Add the cooked vegetables, bacon and prawns to the rice. Heat gently for 3 - 4 mins or until piping hot, stirring frequently. Adjust seasoning and spoon into a serving dish.
Serve with a leafy green saled with a lemon dressing.
Lemon Dressing: Whisk 90ml (6 tbsp) olive oil with 45ml (3 tbsp) lemon juice, a little honey and seasoning.
Chicken soup with tiny meatballs
"Kippen Soep met Balletjes"
Couple of portions of chicken (quarters or legs)
Celery (anything really!)
Small meatballs (made along "Hak gebal" recipe - size of large marble)
Bring chicken to boil then simmer for a couple of hours to make stock (one could also use carcass of roast chicken or turkey, if you're being economical!)
Remove the chicken from the pot, take off bone, and cut into small pieces.
Return chicken to pot.
Add vegetables.
Season to taste, maggi is good here
Just before it's done, add the vermicelli and the meatballs. Garnish with parsley.
Real Canadian Hot Chicken Sandwich
This is a recipe that is the result of months of exhaustive research commissioned by Tine and it was thought to be only fitting that it be displayed in this section.
Hot Chicken Sandwich
From Anna Blackwell, whose restaurant recipes are standard fare in this part of Ontario, from Iroquois west to Belleville and north to North Bay. (I'm not kidding)
Season a chicken using salt and pepper, maybe a little poultry seasoning.
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Oven rack should be roughly 4 inches from the bottom element.
You will be using a roasting pan with a lid.
Put about 1½ inches of water in the bottom of the pan.
Place rack on bottom of pan and position your bird. (sounds rather rude...)
Roast until chicken is brown, basting occasionally. Consult your cookbook or oven guide to see how long to cook a chicken per pound. This could change in different regions.
Don’t let the water boil completely away!
When the bird is done, use resulting stock from pan to make a gravy. Mix flour and cold water together to make a runny paste. Add to boiling stock on top of stove.
Do this slowly until it has the consistency of gravy. You may want to add some salt and pepper to the gravy.
Keep the gravy hot while you de-bone the chicken.
Pour a puddle of gravy on a dinner plate or platter, then place a slice of white bread in the puddle. Place pieces of chicken on the bread and pour a bit of gravy over this. Now cover the chicken with another slice of bread and pour gravy over this as well.
Serve piping hot with your choice of potato and some coleslaw.